Value from process data
We help our customers in the energy and process industries to ensure the quality and utilize process data in daily operations and in business development.
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IndMeas has decades of experience in process industry measurements, the measurement data accumulated from them, and further utilization of that data. In the 2020s, the ease of data collection and transfer has provided our customers with an unprecedented way to leverage measured data, impacting the profitability and responsibility of their business. IndMeas plays a key role in enabling this.
Everything starts with measurements
Process data largely consists of measurement values produced by measuring instruments, which involve measurement uncertainty. Measurement uncertainty is a parameter associated with the measurement result that describes the expected variation in the values of the measured quantity. Measuring instruments are always more or less unstable, meaning that there is usually some degree of time-dependent drift in measurement values. Calibrations ensure the measurement quality of individual measurements.
With IndMeas' continuous measurement quality maintenance solutions, the reliability of various process measurements can be verified, from a few instruments to large-scale systems. The accuracy of instruments under online verification is monitored continuously, allowing small and large errors to be detected quickly.
Data ultimately serving its purpose
The energy and process industries face significant cost pressures, partly due to emission reduction targets. Business environments are, of course, always in flux, but the change has been exceptionally strong in the so-called heavy process industry.
While global digitalization creates pressures for change, it also opens up many opportunities to succeed in a more dynamic and global world. Operations can be optimized and managed data-driven. Data can be refined, for example, with soft sensor calculations and wireless sensors (IoT). With cloud services, applications evolve and become customized at ultra-fast speeds, eliminating the need for long-term licenses or labor-intensive IT projects. When applications are developed intelligently and agilely, it is possible to quickly navigate from an individual technical phenomenon to a business impact and back. When applications have learned from the data on their own, it is often referred to as AI.
With the above logic, IndMeas, along with the personnel of its customers and partners, has achieved revolutionary changes.