Online quality monitoring
In today's industrial environment, operations are largely controlled based on measurement data from process measurements. If the process measurements show incorrect values, operations are also controlled more or less incorrectly.
Process measurements are typically quality assured through regular calibrations. However, between calibrations, there is rarely any quality assurance, which means it can take up to 3 years before the measurement errors that have occurred are detected. For measurements that control critical functions, this can, at worst, lead to significant economic losses or safety risks, but also to milder problems such as reduced efficiency, poor resource utilization, and incorrect reporting.
Indmeas's online quality monitoring ensures the reliability of various process measurements (flow, temperature, pressure...), covering everything from individual instruments to larger measurement systems. The customer is informed in real-time when a process measurement starts to deviate from its correct value, and a substitute measurement value is provided until the measurement function is restored through, for example, calibration or other maintenance.